Booking: What are your payment terms?
To kick off a logo project, I require a 50% deposit. The remaining 50% is paid half-way through your project. If you are paying via our ‘Stripe checkout’, and utilizing ‘Afterpay’. the 50% deposit does not apply and payment must be made in full. If you are hiring me to do a website, payment must be made in full before the project commencement. This is to ensure you, the owner of your domain and hosting platforms are not able to lock me out after the work is done. I could purchase the domains and hosting on my end and take deposits, and provide you with your site when final payment is made, but it is important to me that you are the sole owner of your domain, hosting and website platform so you can have independence with your website in the future.
Deposits: Why do you require a 50% deposit before we can get started on my project?
It’s all about ‘first come, first served’ here at Volerra Creative. I believe in fairness and equality which means I require 50% of your project total to be paid before you’re placed on our calendar (I like using pen, not pencil when I book you in). Clients who book and pay the deposit will have their project placed in my next available slot. Website design is a 6 week time slot, logo design is a 2 week time slot, photography is a 4 week time slot. I am a small business with lots of enquiries, I book out quickly and I would hate for you to miss out because another client pulled the pin at the last minute. When you book, please realize you are also potentially taking someone’s spot who is ready to roll, so please make sure you have all your ideas, applicable written content and necessary photography or imagery ready to go, so your time slot is productively used, I cannot be booked for a 4 week slot, where all content is given to me on week 3.
How long does Logo Design Take?
You can expect your first round of logo concepts within 2 weeks. Changes take up to 4 days to implement. The whole process (with clear, efficient, actionable feedback from the client) takes under a month. Minor changes and color inversions are included free of charge for up to 6 months after project completion.
How long does Website Design Take?
Website design is a 6 week process on my end, please do not book until you have all content and a final outline prepared on your end.
Website Design: Do you need all of my content before you can get started?
I certainly do! Almost all projects will require content up front, this includes photos, writing, and any logins for 3rd party apps. Design is a little like a jigsaw puzzle – I have to consider all elements and understand the overall intended outcome before I can even start to fit the pieces together. I don’t only have to consider the relationship between images and text (for example) but things like the amount of copy you provide, the number of images and even the orientation of the photos effects the design we produce. If you would like to hire my team for photography, copywriting and branding, we can assist you so all the “puzzle pieces” are done in house, making your website that much easier and faster to complete.
Website Platforms: Will I have access to my dashboard or do all changes need to go through you?
I believe in empowering clients when it comes to their own site content. During the early stages of development, I like to have the ability to run free and work my magic on your site, however once that’s finished to my high standard, I will direct you for a first look, so you can make any additions and changes to your pages and blog posts. There may be some coding-based adjustments you would like to make down the road, and I am more than happy to help out with those, but remember that my hourly rate and availability will apply.
Website Updates: Can I update my website on my own?
Yes, you will be able to update your website as you wish. I build all of my websites with a user-friendly content management system. A content management system is software that keeps track of every piece of content on your website, much like your local library keeps track of books and stores them. Content can be simple text, photos, music, video, documents, or just about anything you can think of. The biggest advantage of using our chosen CMS is that it requires very little technical skill or knowledge to manage.
Logos + Icons: How do design concepts differ from design revisions?
Design concepts can be thought of as different design directions or different creative directions. Generally speaking, I will offer 5-8 different logo concepts or versions for one company name.
Once you have narrowed down your choice to one or two concepts from the many presented, I then refine or tweak your choice. These are referred to as design revisions and involve changes to shape, font, and proportions of the logo, but typically don’t involve changing the concept of the logo itself or the words.
Logo Design Changes: What constitutes a round of revisions?
Within the scope of logo design, I offer 5-8 concepts with 3 rounds of ‘revisions’. A round refers to the action of me interpreting your feedback and actioning it to present you with a new concept. To make the most of your round, be sure to compile all of your feedback into one concise email with clear feedback. This way, I will be able to ensure to action all elements of your feedback to make sure you don’t ‘use up’ a design round unnecessarily.
Refunds & Payment Collection
I take your investment seriously, and I’d appreciate if you took my investment of time and resources into your success seriously too.
Due to the nature of the services and/or products provided, refunds will not be given unless otherwise specified in writing.
I do not provide refunds for change of mind.
If there is a minor fault with the functioning of your website, with the exception of 3d party apps, please contact me within 15 days of the completion of your site so I can take a look and fix if need be.
If different file formats of your logo, 1 color change of designs are needed for print etc…I am happy to provide any file type within 30 days of final payment. After said time, my hourly rate will apply.